When it comes to our fears of pests, it's surprising to discover just how many phobias are related to pest control.
Do You Have Any?
Animals - Zoophobia
Ants - Myrmecophobia
Bacteria - Bacteriophobia
Bats - Chiroptophobia
Bees - Apiphobia or Melissophobia
Birds - Ornithophobia
Butterflies and Moths - Mottephobia
Cats - Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia
Creepy, crawly things - Herpetophobia
Dampness, moisture or liquids - Hydrophobia
Death or dying - Thanatophobia
Death or dead things - Necrophobia
Decaying matter - Seplophobia
Dirt, contamination or infection - Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia
Dirt or filth - Rhypophobia or Rupophobia
Dirty, being dirty or personal filth - Automysophobia
Disease - Nosophobia or Pathophobia
Disease and suffering - Panthophobia
Dogs or rabies - Cynophobia
Dust - Amathophobia or Koniophobia
Feathers or being tickled by feathers - Pteronophobia
Faecal matter, faeces - Coprophobia or Scatophobia
Filth or dirt - Rhypophobia
Fire - Arsonphobia or Pyrophobia
Hoarding - Disposophobia
Infection, contamination or dirt - Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia
Insects - Acarophobia or Entomophobia or Insectophobia
Insects that eat wood - Isopterophobia
Insects that cause itching - Acarophobia
Lice - Pediculophobia or Phthiriophobia
Mushrooms - Mycophobia
Odour, that one has a vile odour - Autodysomophobia
Poison - Lophobia
Poisoned, being - Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia
Rabies - Cynophobia, Hydrophobophobia, Hydrophobia, Kynophobia, or Lyssophobia
Rat, great mole - Zemmiphobia
Reptiles - Herpetophobia
Small things - Microphobia, Mycrophobia
Smells and odours - Olfactophobia
Snakes - Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia
Spiders - Arachnophobia
Stings - Cnidophobia
Tapeworms - Taeniophobia
Termites - Isopterophobia
Vomiting - Emetophobia
Wasps - Spheksophobia
Wild animals - Agrizoophobia
Worms - Scoleciphobia and Vermiphobia
Worms, being infested with - Helminthophobia
If you know of any others pertinent to Pest Control, please share them with us in the comments.
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