The rats in and around your home never needed an invitation to come visiting. Rats are natural foragers and survive on a varied, omnivorous diet.
Rats are also not the smallest of creatures and we must remember to reflect on their dietary requirements when investigating the best options for control.
We all know traps and bait have been the traditional remedy for rats over the years, but these regimes of control are beginning to fall out of favour, because common sense is finally prevailing. This is not because of new research or some amazing remedy, rather it is the result of a better educated public asking the right questions! Three of the most common include:
Truth be told the very best method of control is exclusion. If rats can't enter a building or structure, they cannot thrive and breed.
We have compiled a quick rat control check-list to help you decide what the best rat control programme will be for you if rats are in your home.
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